Unit 1 – Nature of Mathematics ( 1st semester B.Ed. Mathematics)
Unit 1 – Nature of Mathematics
Mathematics - Meaning and Definition
term mathematics is said to be traced from ‘mendh’ meaning ‘to learn’,
related to the Greek word ‘manthenein’.
Mathematics is an exact science which is related to measurements, calculations,
discovering relationships and dealing with the problems of space. In dictionary
meaning, mathematics is the science of number and space.
Mathematics is the indispensable
instrument of all physical researches- Kant
Mathematics is the gateway and key to
all sciences- Bacon
Mathematics is the queen of sciences
and arithmetic is the queen of all mathematics – Gauss
Mathematics is the language in which
God has written the universe- Galileo
Mathematics is the study of quantity – Aristotle
Nature of mathematics / features/ characteristics
Science of space ,number, magnitude and measurements
Science of calculations
Science of discovery
Science of logical reasoning
Systematized , organized and exact
branch of science
Mathematics has its own language
Mathematical rules, laws and formulae
are universal
Inductive and experimental science
Abstract form of science
Intellectual game
Mathematics helps to develop
self-confidence and self reliance
Helps to develop scientific attitude
Gives accurate and reliable knowledge
Mathematics as a science
is the science and study of numbers. It is often considered as science because
it is a logical study of numbers, quantities and shapes. It involves the use of
evidence, reasoning and proof to develop and test hypotheses, and it seeks to
understand and explain the underlying patterns and structures in the world
around us. Mathematics can be considered as father of all sciences or tool
which helps in solving problem of every other sciences.
Mathematics as a game
In mathematics, we
create a set of rules and regulations just like in a game, and proceed with
logical reasoning. It is a game with figures and numbers.
Mathematics as a language
“Mathematics is the
language in which God has written the universe”- Galileo Galilei
is called the language of science. Math
can act as a universal language. A phrase or formula has the same meaning,
regardless of another language that accompanies it. As a language, mathematics
is characterized by symbols to express size, shape and order. These symbols
make mathematical expressions precise, concise and accurate.in this way, math
helps people to learn and communicate, even if other communication barriers
Mathematics as a tool
to Kant, Mathematics is the indispensable instrument of all physical
researches. That is, mathematics helps everyone to quickly understand the
relationship between two concepts. It is the indispensable tool for
calculating, organizing, simplifying and interpreting numerical data.
Difference between mathematical science and basic science
is differs from basics science. In science, truth means correspondence with
observation whereas in mathematics truth is the logical consistency of the
statements made and results obtained. Basic science is experimental in nature
but mathematics is progressive in its nature. Science gives importance to
observation whereas mathematics gives importance to logic. Mathematics is more
related with calculations and science is more related with working, reasoning,
concepts behind everything.
Pure and applied mathematics
mathematics is the branch of mathematics most concerned with mathematical
concepts. It involves systematics and deductive reasoning. It deals with exact statements,
concepts and theories which are disconnected from perception. It treats only
theories and principles without regard to their application to concrete things.
Algebra, geometry, Number theory..
of pure mathematics in the real world is called applied mathematics.it
considers those parts of mathematical theories that have certain direct or
practical application to objects or actions in the material world. It helps the
development of other sciences or subjects.
Probability theory, Statistics, fluid mechanics..
Role of axioms and postulates
comes from Greek word ‘axioma’ which
means ‘to deem worth’. Every area in
mathematics is based on some statements which are assumed to be true and not
proved. These are self-evident truths which we take to be true without proof.
Things that are equal to the same thing
are equal to one another
If equals are added to equals the
result will be equal
If a>b, b>c, then a>c.
logical axioms usually called postulates. It is self-evident truths which are
taken for granted without any necessity of proof or explanation. Postulates are
suppositions without proof. It aims to capture what is special about a particular
A straight line can be drawn from any
point to any other point
Two straight lines cannot intersect in
more than one point
Two circles intersect at two points.
Correlation of mathematics
of mathematics with other subjects
between mathematics and social science
social sciences we come across graphs, charts, curves etc; thus we can say that
social sciences draw a lot from mathematics.
between mathematics and general science
without mathematics is totally meaningless, because chemical reactions,
scientific theories and detail of elements are only generated with the help of
between mathematics and Agriculture
Agriculture has correlation with maths like area of crops,
which season is suitable for which crop. We have to make various land
measurements and for this purpose a knowledge of mathematics is essential. How
much quantity of water may be used in irrigation is also calculated in concern
of agriculture by the use of mathematics.
between mathematics and Economics
In economic we study the earning and spending factors of a
society, population, production etc. statistics plays an important role in economics.
The application of statistical methods is most helpful in economic forecasts.
Trade cycles, trends of exports and imports all are represented statistically.
between mathematics and languages
No subject can be taught without the help of language. The
principles of mathematics are expressed through the medium of language. If the
language that is spoken in a mathematics class or written in a book is not
correct, the exact idea of the subject matter shall not be conveyed.
between mathematics and history
The relationship between mathematics and history is
reciprocal. History helps mathematics to know about various mathematicians who
were pioneers in their field and enriched mathematics by their contributions.
History also provides the information about the origin and development of
of mathematics with real life
Mathematics is one subject which has extensive application
in our daily life. We use math concepts, as well as the skills we learn from
practicing math problems every day. Examples: Managing time, budget, cooking,
driving, architecture, gardening, agriculture and stitching etc.
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