B Ed. 4th semester (Professionalizing Mathematics Education )
Professionalizing Mathematics Education
Unit 1: Mathematics for all
## Causes of poor performance in Mathematics
1. Lack of adequate resources
2. Attitude towards mathematics
3. Math anxiety
4. Learning style
5. Learning environment
6. Teaching methods/strategies
7. Teacher student ratio
8. Inexperienced teachers
9. IQ
10. Lack of motivation
11. Lack of exercise/practice
12. Lack of concentration
13. Absenteeism
14. Difficulty of remembering math facts and concepts
Remedies & Role of teacher
1. Support students in developing their ability to solve problems.
2. Provide ongoing meaningful feedback to all students about their mathematics achievement, which helps to build confidence.
3. Encourage questioning and make space for curiosity.
4. Emphasize conceptual understanding over procedure.
5. Provide authentic problems that increase students' drive to engage with math
6. Share positive attitudes about math.
Positive reinforcement.
7. Practice to solve Mathematics problems on a daily basis.
8. Start with the easiest problems.
9. Solve problems in groups.
10. Solve problems thoroughly.
11. Using real world examples.
12. Use visuals and images/ innovative technologies.
13. Arrange extra tutoring.
14. Use and connect mathematical representations.
### Mathematics phobia among learners
A type of anxiety disorder or a mental illness that makes someone very worried and affects their life is known as phobia. It involves an extreme fear of something or irrational fear of a specific situation, activity and object or that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. The term 'phobia' is abstracted from the Greek word "phobos" meaning fear, panic fear, or terror.
“The panic, helplessness, paralysis and mental disorganization that arises among some people when they are required to solve a mathematical problem”- Tobias & Weissbrod
Types of mathematics phobia
The mathematics phobia is classified into two types as general and specific arithmophobia or numerophobia.
General arithmophobia is the fear of all numbers that can seriously affect the ability of the students to do mathematics. This limits both educational and professional opportunities.
Specific arithmophobia is the fear of some specific numbers that some people may be affected by this phobia. This type of phobia is usually rooted by superstition or religious phobias. The specific phobia is less serious than general arithmophobia.
1. Math avoidance
2. Isolation
3. Shortness of breath
4. Nausea, headache and fainting
5. Sweating
6. Loss of self-confidence
7. Dry mouth
8. Irregular heartbeat
9. Panic & anxiety
10. Feeling of helplessness
11. Mental disorganization
12. Extreme tension
13. Inability to recall material studied
14. Skips classes and irrational thinking.
Causes of Mathematics Phobia
Weak teaching method and weak mathematics background.
Teachers' aggressive, stressful and irritating characteristics.
Low self esteem.
Lack of :-
good teacher-student relationship
use of students-centered/innovative approach of teaching
positive attitude towards mathematics
improved mathematics curriculum
application of ICTs in teaching mathematics
child-friendly teaching environment
Way to Overcome Mathematics Phobia/remedies /role of teacher
1. Reinforce the child's sense of intelligence and skill in mathematics learning.
2. Create a supportive environment for learning mathematics.
3. Encourage the child to tackle in mathematics.
4. Explain the child about positive uses of mathematics.
5. Familiarize the child into mathematics teaching aids.
6. Make mathematics teaching fun with games and puzzles.
7. Avoid to compare the child's abilities to others.
8. Increase the use of instructional materials in teaching.
9. Use of innovative and contemporary teaching approaches.
10. Develop and maintain close student-teacher relationship.
11. Motivate students to treat mathematics positively.
12. Provide access of reference material
Use of modern facilities, devices, and tools.
13. Use of ICT in teaching learning situation.
14. Make enough and effective practice of mathematics.
Mathematics club is organized for supplementing the teaching of mathematics in the class room and to
widen the horizon of knowledge of
Students. A good teacher can involve his students in a number of co curricular
activities. Among them, mathematics club is also are to Createinterest and maintaining interest in Mathematics
using the structures be encouraged to themselves into mathematics club. Certain activities like discussions, lecturers, certain mathematical games can be arranged.. Totally this is helpful to the students in having an idea of the practical utility of mathematics in addition to creating their interest in mathematics.
1. It is useful in arousing and maintaining interest in mathematics.
2. It Stimulates the active participation of the students.
3. It provides the students and opportunity of free discussion and they are benefited from one another's view.
4. Gifted Students get an opportunity to satisfy their needs and interest by actively participating in the activities of such clubs and organization.
5. It is helpful in making proper utilization ofleisure time.
6. It helps in developing the habit of self-study among students.
7. It provides an opportunity to inter school and intra school mathematical competitions.
8. It can arrange mathematical exhibitions.
9. It can help in educational and vocational guidance in respect of mathematics.
Mathematics club if properly organized will be a great help in teaching of mathematics. Such aclub should be
run by the students under the guidance
and Supervision of their teacher. For proper running of the club the most important thing is the preparation
of a draft constitution of the club. This draft isprepared by the mathematics teacher in Consultationwith the head of the institution. The draft constitution Should provide all important details about the name of the club, aims and objectives of the club, details regarding membership and fees etc. To be paid by members, purpose for which the expenditure can be incurred and person competent to approve such an expenditure.For efficient and successful working of mathematics club is expert body has suggested the organisation as underHead of the institution as it's patron.
A senior mathematics teacher as advisor
Membership of the club is open to all the mathematics students of the school.
Associate- membership may be allowed to some other students interested in Mathematics.
The club should have an elected excecutive committee for the academic year. The excecution should include the following duties of members of maths club.
a). Chairman
b). Secretary
c). Assistant secretary
d). Treasurer
1. Organizing inter-class, Inter-school competitions on some interesting mathematical topics.
2. Arranging a lecture by some renowned mathematicsteacher and Scholar.
3. Organising discussions about the practical applications of mathematics.
4. Organising recreational activities in Mathematics Such as puzzles, riddles, number games etc.
5. Organizing Seminars and career course relating to mathematics.
6. Organising mathematics exhibitions or fairs.
Thus weSee that mathematics club can cover a wide Variety of topics relating to the subject. If the Studunts participate in such activities whole heartedly then we derive great benefit. The club can go a longway in arousing and maintaining interest of the Student.They will develop love for the subject.
Mathematics fair is the place where mathematics related models, pictures and charts are arranged and
exhibited and the exhibitors explain their work to the visitors. It helps to show the light face of mathematics to students and public. As parts of mathematics fair, talks by experts, film shows related to mathematics, debates and other recreational activities related to
mathematics can be organised. Such fairs are more appealing to the general public and they provide useful knowledge to them. It gives opportunity to the students to research and become familiar with a range of math games,puzzles and experiments.
1. To build different mathematics skills and concepts
2. To show the interconnection and interdependency of of different subject with mathematics.
3. To help students learn best when presented with a concept they can manipulate and visualise.
4. To build the confidence of the students in their mathematics skills.
5. To add the fun element to the teaching learning process.
6. To enhance the team spirit.
Importance of math fair
Mathematics fairs are effective in bringing desired changes in average or even slow learners. It helps students to express themselves through attractive models. The demonstration value of models makes them more appealing.
The students who lost interest in Mathematics due to their abstract nature changes their attitude after understanding the concepts in a concrete way. While preparing and working with models, they come very close to teachers which help them to participate in the learning process more actively.
There is every chance of getting appreciation from visitors and teachers, which in turn inspires them to think and work with self confidence.
Students show interest in mathematics.
Fair and exposition are thought to make mathematics concrete and to give an opportunity to the learner to relate his/her creative talent to the learning of mathematics.
How to organize mathematics fair
The organization of Mathematics fair should be a teacher, Pupil activity and everything should be of well in advance. The following procedure is suggested for the organization and administration of the mathematic fair.
Before taking up the project of organization the mathematic fair, it is very essential that the planning is thoroughly done in which the limits of the fair. During planning the following aspects should be considered.
a) Objectivity and aims of the fair.
b) Scope of the fair-whether limit to the school (or) open to other schools, type of programmes etc.
c) Procedure
d) Financing.
e) Place, time and duration.
f) Other factors and facility.
Distribution of work
After planning, the work should be assigned to different individuals or groups. A number of committees may be formed which look after the different programmes and sections of the fair. For example executive, recording, reception, general management, committees and sub-committees all these committees are guided by the teacher, while distributing the work, the interest and the talents of the student should be kept in view.
The different committees now execute the planning of the fair the exhibition is arranged and other programmes like demonstrations, talks, films, magic shows, charts, collections, models etc. are organized.
The selected students should be made in change of various experiments and they should be given full explanation of each experiment a day before the exhibition is opened, the fair can be in arranged by some important man of mathematics people from other schools and from the community may be invited.
The fair should be Judged by different committees of Judges for different items of the fair Judges may be chosen from amongst the individuals in the community having some back ground of math’s scientist college professors, maths teachers etc. The Judging system should be made as objectives.
Judging Performa should be developed for each item. Performa be developed on the lines suggested below.
1. Mathematic approach.
2. Originality in planning and execution.
3. Technical skill and workmanship.
4. Dramatic value exhibit attractive labels large and descriptions neatly presented.
5. Personal interview presented with the respective students who exhibit.
The Judging criteria should be made well-known to the participants in the fair. These criteria may even be displayed at a prominent place for public view.After the fair is over, the teacher and the students should evaluate it and find out whether the objectivity of the fair have been achieved (or) not. If not where day the fault lie and then try to improve it next time.
Mathematics is an integral part of our daily lives. To help the pupils to understand this mathematics exhibitions are organized at the schools.
Role of Recreational activities in mathematics learning ( Mathematical games, Riddles, Quiz, Puzzles, Sudoku etc.)
Recreation refers to all those activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and minds and make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable.
Typically it involves games, puzzles etc. that relate to the subjects, although the term can cover other materials.
Recreational Mathematics
Recreational mathematics consists of games ,tricks/puzzles that are most of the time designed for entertainment, pleasure,amusement or fun.
Recreational activities in Mathematics
Mathematical games
Magic squares
Mathematical games
Mathematical games are multiplayer games whose rules, strategies, and outcomes can be studied and explained using mathematics. The players of the game may not need to use explicit mathematics in
order to play mathematical games.
For example, Mancala is studied in the mathematical field of combinatorial game theory, but no mathematics is necessary in order to play it.
Math Quiz
education to measure growth in knowledge,
abilities , and skills. It helps to enhance the interest in the students towards the subject and also creates a conductive environment to work in groups outside the classroom.
Math riddles are logical problems that require strong analytical abilities, high IQ, knowledge of math concepts, and good calculations skills.
Mathematical puzzles require mathematics in order to solve them. They
have specific rules, as do multiplayer games, but mathematical puzzles do not
usually involve competition between two or more players. Instead, in order to solve such a puzzle, the solver must find a solution
that satisfies the given conditions.
Sudoku is a brain challenging number game, played on a 9x9 sudoku board. The sudoku board is broken down into nine 3x3 squares. The object of the sudoku game is simple. Every row, column, and 3x3 box in the sudoku board must contain the digits 1 through 9 only once! As the difficulty progresses, the sudoku game becomes harder, and you'll have to employ more advanced and strategic logic to
solve the puzzle.
Importance of Recreational activities
• Develop healthy classroom atmosphere
• Utilisation of leisure time
• Develop interest of the students
• Stimulate quick thinking
• Promote mutual cooperation
• Students full appreciation
• Develop competitive feeling
Need for recreational activities in Mathematics
Mathematics is a compulsory but interesting core subject in the school curriculum. Recreational mathematics has a vital role in making mathematics an interesting one. Experience shows that the basic principles of learning mathematics can be made easier through mathematical fun, activities and games. If mathematics can be turned into a game it can become child’s play. Class room experience indicate clearly that mathematical puzzles, riddles etc encourage an open minded attitude in youngsters and help them to develop
their clear thinking. Shakuntala Devi become famous for her simple mathematical facts converting into game, puzzles etc.
Organising recreational activities in Mathematics
1. The teacher should fix a period in time table for recreational activities and the students be informed about it.
2. An intelligent and active student be made incharge of the activities and be named as secretary etc.
3. The teacher should ask all the students to come prepared with some riddles or recreational work on the fixed day.
4. Those students who want to participate be asked to give their names to the student incharge of the activities.
5. The participants be asked to come to the stage turn by turn and present their items.
6. Only one student be allowed to put his item before others at a time.
7. The teacher or the participant should make clear any mathematical principle or formula underlying a riddle.
8. Over use of riddles should be discouraged.
9. The teacher should choose some interesting riddles that are related to a particular topic which he is teaching. Such riddles have great motivational value.
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