
Showing posts from February, 2023

ICT in improving teaching performance

E- CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Electronic-content which is also known as Digital Content refers to the content orinformationdeliveredovernetworkbasedelectronicdevicesorthatismadeavailableusing computer network such as INTERNET.  E-content includes all kinds of contentcreatedanddeliveredthroughvariouselectronicmedia. E-learningisacomputerbasededucationaltoolorsystemthatenablesyoutolearnwhereandatanytime.Todaye-learningismostlydeliveredthoughtheinternet. E-learningoffersbeabilitytosharematerialinallkindsofformatssuchasvideos,slideshows,worddocuments,HTMLandpdfetc. TypesofE-learning Technology-basedlearning(TBL): Thephrase, computer-mediated communication, video conferencing, multimedia, groupware, videoondemand,desktoppublishing,intelligenttutoringsystem,virtualrealityjusttonameafew. Web-basedTraining(WBT) Generally as web-based learning. e-learning uses streaming me...

non governmental initiatives

NON GOVERNMENT AL INITIA TIVES IN IMPROVING MA THEMA TICS LEARNING INTERV ENTIONS AND IN ITIA TIVES IN THE T EACHING AND LEARNING OF MA THEMA TICS T eaching and learning m athematics in var ied directions:- •Curriculum development •Interventions in school and classrooms •In service teacher training •Mathematics popularization activities and nature programmes •Institutional and state level initiatives The School of Mathematics Project st arted by the centre for science education and communication, university in Delhi(1992) is a systematic a ttempt to develop on alternative curriculum in primary schools. The Khushi-Khushi series of books for teaching mathematics at the primary level developed by a non governmental organization cal led “Eklavya” in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the study material designed by “Digantar”, another NGO based in Rajasthan. “Suvidy...