Unit 5 - Mathematics curriculum ( B.Ed. 1st semester)
Mathematics curriculum Curriculum-Meaning & Definition The word Curriculum is derived from the Latin word “Currere” which means ‘to run’. So curriculum means a course to be run for reaching a certain goal or destination. Curriculum describes the ground which pupil and teacher cover to reach the goal or objective of education. “Curriculum is a tool in the hands of an artist (the teacher) to mould his material (the pupil) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (the school)”- Arthur Cunningham Syllabus The term syllabus is usually used for book oriented and theoretical subjects. The basic content of a given subject is known as syllabus. Types of curriculum · Subject centred curriculum It gives more emphasis on subject matter in place of the child. This is also called book-centred curriculum. Because it lays emphasis on bookish knowledge and learning. It facilitates testing and examination. It...